Ministry Analysis

A concise 3-month initiative to come alongside worship pastors, music directors, staff & volunteer committees in their vision & efforts to build empowered worship ministries. 

Over a period of 3 months, I will assess the current development of the team according to the following 7 pillars & come up with near-term improvements and future cost-effective solutions for growing the effectiveness of the worship team.


Our craft must be able to support where the LORD leads us in the spirit, and, practically, that means we need to be as skilful as the Levitical tribe that trained daily.

Objective: I use multiple evaluative criteria to look at the true skill & output of the music team (both as a team and individually) and assess it’s future potential for training, culture & leadership purposes.


It starts with how worship leaders craft their songlists; while spirit and lyrics remain priority, there is great wisdom in thinking like a worship architect and using dynamics tools in designing the songlist.

Objective: I analyse various songlists over the 3 months and come up with future tips, techniques & tools for worship leaders based on the song culture of the church.


All initiatives culminate in this: that our congregation is led into the presence of God through song in any given worship service or other occasion. Hence, a team’s preparation and execution is critical.

Objective: Working with current leaders and raising new ones to develop good leadership dynamics and faith-filled, committed leadership, many of those who serve as volunteers.


We are blessed in the modern day to have many technological resources available to us to enhance our house of worship experience.

Objective: I aim to suggest cost effective improvements to the current technology chain for maximum effectiveness. This will be done after studying the current set up.


The stage ministry experience is greater enhanced by strong backend infrastructure, ranging from planning soft-wares to audition processes.

Objective: I intend to work with the leadership team to improve their systems to have a sustainable growing ministry.


It’s the unsung hero of ministry life, but exceptionally important with volunteer management.

Objective: Upon studying the ministry operational workflow, I will work with the leadership team to strengthen their admin processes for a more effective ministry experience.


In my opinion, perhaps the most important pillar. From mindsets to music to actual roles, leadership and a spiritually growing influence affects all of the other pillars.

Objective: Upon studying the current leadership tiers, I aspire to help identify new roles and empower current leaders with new ways of thinking in the ever changing landscape of contemporary worship.

Looking forward to a fruitful
3 months together!